Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spare pair


I forgot my reading glasses. I left them somewhere in the house in Budapest. This little bit of information came to me when I was on my first flight (right before I spilled the glass of tomato juice in my lap). Fortunately, my Kindle lets me make the font large enough for me (and anyone else within a few yards) to read without my glasses. However, the first stop after I landed in Florida was a Walgreens for some inexpensive reading glasses. After a quick search for the cheapest things I could actually see through I found a ‘three-pack.’ It seemed a little strange that someone would want three pairs of the same glasses, but they were cheap. I got to the check out and the lady said, ‘It’s buy one, get one free.’ My reply was, 'Oh, so are they half off?’ She surprised me with, ‘Nope, go get another pack.’

Anyone need an extra pair of reading glasses?


Chris Brauns said...

I'll take them. I get the 3 packs and go through them like milk duds. I lose them. Break them. I misplace them while I am preaching and my wife has to tell me where they are on the pulpit.

Chris Brauns said...

I'll take them. I get the 3 packs and go through them like milk duds. I lose them. Break them. I misplace them while I am preaching and my wife has to tell me where they are on the pulpit.

Emily said...

Thinking about you guys. Tell everyone I heart them. Give Katie especially a big hug for me :-)
