Thursday, October 29, 2009

Live blogging from EEMA: Emerging Missions

David Ruiz, former Executive Director of COMIBAM is our speaker tonight at this EEMA (European Evangelical Missionary Association) consultation. David has come to us from Guatemala to share on the issue of Learning From The Majority World. I spoke with him earlier about his involvement in Europe. He has been involved in Albania and has been instrumental in helping churches there begin to send out workers to other countries. Wow. I'm excited about what David will have to say to us tonight. I know that not too many people are actually reading this, but I thought it would be wildly exciting to try live blogging from this event.

Actually, I have had to take time each day I've been here to debrief myself. The discussions I've been a part of have stirred so many ideas that I've had to empty my head a bit between sessions. I've met quite a few interesting people here who have also provoked my thinking on many issues related to missionaries being sent out from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Right now, we're hearing about 'mission-net' which is an event aimed at inspiring a missional lifestyle among European Christian youth. Wow, more ideas...
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