‘What is a normal day for you?’ Someone asked me that question a while ago and I found it difficult to answer. Well, here’s a shot at answering it by describing a little about today.
I started off by heading downtown to meet with a guy I’d never met. Howard is with Jaron Ministries and was in Budapest as part of the European Leadership Forum. A mutual friend wanted us to meet to see if there was potential for working together. We had a nice 90 minutes getting to know each other. I walked away with quite a few ideas about where we might be able to cooperate.
As I rode the bus back to where I parked the car, I started thinking about what needed to be done in the next two weeks. (The family flies to the US in 13 days.) My whiteboard at the office is full of tasks. My calendar has a few more personal ones for getting the house and family ready. I decided to try to work on both lists a bit today.
When I got home, the first thing I did was take the door off the house. This thing has been giving me fits. It would barely shut and I finally had to take it apart to figure out what the problem was. Only took a few minutes and several times on and off the pegs to get it sorted out. Now it shuts fine and that irritant is out of the back of my mind. Since I had such success with one door I considered working on a second one before lunch. Unfortunately, the longer I looked at the closet
door, the more I felt like it was going to take too much time for today. The door wouldn’t hang right anymore because the wood in the jamb had rotted away. Earlier I had taken out the rotted part, so now I’m percolating on how to repair it. I need to get it done before we leave, (and these are dangerous words) I’m just not sure when.
After lunch, I got back to work. I answered a few emails, but not nearly enough. Then I went to work doing prep for preaching when I get back to the US. I’m not sure how many times I’ll be preaching, but between that and telling people about what we’re doing I’ve got a lot of preparation.
The day was cut a little short because I’m trying to spend more time with the family after being gone for almost two months.
We went to see Katie’s class displaying their work from Hungarian culture class (gulyas, a folk dance, and dessert) and we capped off the evening at the Middle School Recognition ceremony. Here are a few pictures from the last few days and a cool video. I’m really enjoying being with my family. =)
1 comment:
Yay Katie! Yay Nate! Yay normal days!
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