Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Round Flat Tables

I'm sitting here at 05:30 waiting on my flight to Madrid for a meeting with our ReachGlobal European leadership team, and I'm thinking. One statement that I've made is that we in RG Europe want to help create 'round, flat tables' for partnership. Round tables so that everyone can see everyone else. Flat tables because we are all equals. No one is 'above' anyone else based on money, geographic birthplace, or power. This attitude is best described in Philippians 2:5-11 and it is supernatural. As North Americans, this is counter-cultural and we're generally not very good at having this attitude. We think we have what everyone else needs to hear or have. I'm hoping that we can make some good progress this week in helping to create these tables. -it's about the glory of God

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